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  • Group photo ©EUI
    24June 2024

    This second edition of the Countering Foreign Interference (CFI) Dialogues focused on examining the connections between different areas of foreign interference and hybrid threats.

  • HRVP Borrell speaking in front of audience ©EUISS
    11June 2024

    In the wake of the European parliamentary elections, the conference discussed the strategic options and choices facing the EU.

  • Director Steven Everts speaking on stage in from of banner with name of the event
    29May 2024

    The Institute was actively involved in the second edition of the Schuman Forum, hosting a think tank event with the participation of policy experts from think tanks and academia from around the world.

  • Speakers of the event (3 men, 2 women) sitting in front of an audience © LUISS
    08February 2024

    Our therapy session for the Africa-EU couple offered some fresh perspective on the future of their relation.

  • Image of HRVP Borrell © BR&U
    27June 2023

    On 27 June, to mark the 20th anniversary of CSDP missions and operations, the Institute held its annual conference in Brussels to discuss the future of EU security and defence. 

  • Speaker at podium and panellists sitting on chairs in front of banners with the name of the conference © EUI
    05May 2023

    The CFI project organised a partners’ panel at the State of the Union conference hosted by the European University Institute in Florence. The event represented an opportunity to discuss how foreign information manipulation and interference impacts the European Union and its Member States. 

  • Gustav Lindstrom at podium, speaking into microphone ©EEAS
    21March 2023

    The Institute was involved in the first Schuman Security and Defence Forum, a high-level event aiming to facilitate dialogue and strategic reflection on international security and defence between the EU, its Member States and their partners.

  • Speakers to the conference seated on podium © Sveriges Riksdag
    03March 2023

    Dr Gustav Lindstrom moderated a panel on the EU Strategic Compass at the inter-parliamentary conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy.

  • Jan Joel Andersson on stage presenting paper © Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU Flicker
    31January 2023

    Jan Joel Andersson presented upcoming research on European defence partnerships at a high-level conference organised by the Swedish Presidency.

  • 13December 2022

    Senior Analyst Jan Joel Andersson participated in a conference organised by FRONTEX on "Managing the European External Borders Between War and Peace".
